module Category.Base where

open import Level renaming (zero to lzero; suc to lsuc)

open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
open import Function as Fun using (_∘′_)
open import Data.Product hiding (map)

-- Categories

-- We only consider "large" categories in this work
record Category : Set₂ where

    Obj : Set₁
    Hom : Obj -> Obj -> Set

    id  :  {A}  Hom A A
    comp :  {A B C}  Hom A B  Hom B C  Hom A C

  field -- laws
    assoc     :  {A B C D} {f : Hom A B} {g : Hom B C}{h : Hom C D} 
                comp f (comp g h)  (comp (comp f g) h)
    identityˡ :  {A B} {f : Hom A B}  comp id f  f
    identityʳ :  {A B} {f : Hom A B}  comp f id  f
open Category

-- Functors

record Functor (C D : Category) : Set₁ where
    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D

    act : C.Obj  D.Obj
    fmap :  {X Y} (f : C.Hom X Y)  D.Hom (act X) (act Y)

  field -- laws
    identity     :  {X}  fmap ( {X}) {act X}
    homomorphism :  {X Y Z} {f : C.Hom X Y}{g : C.Hom Y Z} 
                   fmap (C.comp f g)  D.comp (fmap f) (fmap g)
open Functor

-- How to prove Functors equal
eqFunctor : {C D : Category}{F G : Functor C D} ->
            (p : act F ≡ act G) ->
            (∀ {A B} → subst (λ z → Hom C A B -> Hom D (z A) (z B)) p (fmap F) ≡ (fmap G {A} {B})) ->
            F ≡ G
eqFunctor {G = G} refl q with iext (λ {A} → iext (λ {B} → q {A} {B}))
    postulate ext : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality a b
    iext : ∀ {a b} → ExtensionalityImplicit a b
    iext = implicit-extensionality ext
... | refl = eqFunctor' {G = G} (implicit-extensionality ext λ {A} → uip _ _) (iext (iext (iext (iext (iext (uip _ _))))))
  postulate ext : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality a b
  iext : ∀ {a b} → ExtensionalityImplicit a b
  iext = implicit-extensionality ext
  eqFunctor' : ∀ {C} {D} {G : Functor C D}
               {identity' identity'' : {A : Obj C} → fmap G {A} ( C) ≡ D}
               {homomorphism' homomorphism'' : {X Y Z : Obj C} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} → fmap G (comp C f g) ≡ comp D (fmap G f) (fmap G g)} →
               (_≡_ {A = ∀ {A} → fmap G {A} ( C) ≡ D} identity' identity'') ->
               (_≡_ {A = {X Y Z : Obj C} {f : Hom C X Y} {g : Hom C Y Z} → fmap G (comp C f g) ≡ comp D (fmap G f) (fmap G g)} homomorphism' homomorphism'') ->
             _≡_ {A = Functor C D} (record { act = act G; fmap = fmap G; identity = identity'; homomorphism = homomorphism' })
                                   (record { act = act G; fmap = fmap G; identity = identity''; homomorphism = homomorphism'' })
  eqFunctor' refl refl = refl

idFunctor : {C : Category} -> Functor C C
act idFunctor X = X
fmap idFunctor f = f
identity idFunctor = refl
homomorphism idFunctor = refl

compFunctor : {A B C : Category} -> Functor A B  Functor B C  Functor A C
act (compFunctor F G) =  (act G) ∘′ (act F)
fmap (compFunctor F G) f = fmap G (fmap F f)
identity (compFunctor F G) = trans (cong (fmap G) (identity F)) (identity G)
homomorphism (compFunctor F G) = trans (cong (fmap G) (homomorphism F)) (homomorphism G)

Full : {A B : Category}  Functor A B  Set₁
Full {A} {B} S =  {x y} {g : Category.Hom B (act S x) (act S y)}  Σ[ f  Category.Hom A x y ] g  (fmap S f)

Faithful : {A B : Category}  Functor A B  Set₁
Faithful {A} {B} S =  {x y} {f g : Category.Hom A x y}  fmap S f  fmap S g  f  g

FullyFaithful : {A B : Category}  Functor A B  Set₁
FullyFaithful S = Full S × Faithful S

-- Natural transformations

record NaturalTransformation {C D : Category}
                             (F G : Functor C D) : Set₁ where
    module F = Functor F
    module G = Functor G
    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D

    transform   :  X  D.Hom (F.act X) (G.act X)
    natural     :  X Y (f : C.Hom X Y) 
                  D.comp (F.fmap f) (transform Y)  D.comp (transform X) (G.fmap f)
open NaturalTransformation

-- How to prove natural transformations equal
eqNatTrans : {C D : Category}{F G : Functor C D} ->
             (η ρ : NaturalTransformation F G) ->
             ((X : Category.Obj C) -> transform η X ≡ transform ρ X) ->
             η ≡ ρ
eqNatTrans {C} η ρ p with ext p
  where   postulate ext : Extensionality _ _
... | refl = eqNatTrans' η ρ refl (ext λ X → ext λ Y → ext λ f → uip _ _) where
  postulate ext : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality a b
  eqNatTrans' : {C D : Category}{F G : Functor C D} ->
                (η ρ : NaturalTransformation F G) ->
                (p : transform η ≡ transform ρ) ->
                subst (λ z → (X Y : Category.Obj C)(f : Category.Hom C X Y) → Category.comp D (fmap F f) (z Y) ≡ Category.comp D (z X) (fmap G f)) p (natural η) ≡ (natural ρ) ->
               η ≡ ρ
  eqNatTrans' η ρ refl refl = refl

-- Adjunctions

record Adjunction {C D : Category}
                  (F : Functor C D)
                  (G : Functor D C) : Set₁ where

  open Category
  open Functor
  open NaturalTransformation

    to   : {X : Obj C}{B : Obj D} -> Hom D (act F X)        B  -> Hom C X         (act G B)
    from : {X : Obj C}{B : Obj D} -> Hom C X         (act G B) -> Hom D (act F X)        B
    left-inverse-of :  {X B}   (h : Hom D (act F X) B) -> from (to h)  h
    right-inverse-of :  {X B}  (k : Hom C X (act G B)) -> to (from k)  k

    to-natural : {X X' : Obj C}{B B' : Obj D} (f : Hom C X' X)(g : Hom D B B') ->
                    h  comp C f (comp C h (fmap G g))) ∘′ (to {X} {B})
                   (to {X'} {B'}) ∘′  k  comp D (fmap F f) (comp D k g))

_⊣_ = Adjunction

-- The category of Sets

-- Note: these are really wild categories, so TYPE is a category (not an ∞-category)
TYPE : Category
Category.Obj TYPE = Set
Category.Hom TYPE A B = A -> B TYPE =
Category.comp TYPE f g = g Fun.∘′ f
Category.assoc TYPE = refl
Category.identityˡ TYPE = refl
Category.identityʳ TYPE = refl

record hSet : Set₁ where
  constructor hset
    Carrier : Set
    isSet : Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = Carrier})

HSET : Category
Category.Obj HSET = hSet
Category.Hom HSET A B = hSet.Carrier A  hSet.Carrier B HSET =
Category.comp HSET f g = g Fun.∘′ f
Category.assoc HSET = refl
Category.identityˡ HSET = refl
Category.identityʳ HSET = refl

-- Monads

record Monad (C : Category) : Set₁ where
  open Category C
  open Functor

    functor : Functor C C

    M = functor

    returnNT : NaturalTransformation idFunctor M
    joinNT   : NaturalTransformation (compFunctor M M) M

  return = NaturalTransformation.transform returnNT
  join   = NaturalTransformation.transform joinNT

    returnJoin : {X : Obj C}    -> comp C (return (act M X)) (join X)  id C
    mapReturnJoin : {X : Obj C} -> comp C (fmap M (return X)) (join X)   id C
    joinJoin : {X : Obj C}      -> comp C (join (act M X)) (join X)  comp C (fmap M (join X)) (join X)

  open Functor M

-- Isomorphisms in a category --

record Iso (C : Category)(X Y : Obj C) : Set₁ where
    to : Hom C X Y
    from : Hom C Y X
    to-from : comp C to from  id C
    from-to : comp C from to  id C