module Relation.Binary.Isomorphism where

open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

record _≃_ {n} (A B : Set n) : Set n where
  constructor MkIso
    to : A  B
    from : B  A
    from-to :  a  a  from (to a)
    to-from  :  b  b  to (from b)

  to-inj : {x y : A}  to x  to y  x  y
  to-inj {x} {y} p = trans (from-to x) (trans (cong from p) (sym $ from-to y))

  from-inj : {x y : B}  from x  from y  x  y
  from-inj {x} {y} p = trans (to-from x) (trans (cong to p) (sym $ to-from y))
open _≃_

≃-sym :  {n} {A B : Set n}  A  B  B  A
to (≃-sym iso) = from iso
from (≃-sym iso) = to iso
from-to (≃-sym iso) = to-from iso
to-from (≃-sym iso) = from-to iso

≃-refl :  {n} {A : Set n}  A  A
to ≃-refl = id
from ≃-refl = id
from-to ≃-refl _ = refl
to-from ≃-refl _ = refl

≃-trans :  {n} {A B C : Set n}  A  B  B  C  A  C
to (≃-trans p q) = to q  to p
from (≃-trans p q) = from p  from q
from-to (≃-trans p q) a = trans (from-to p a) (cong (from p) (from-to q (to p a)))
to-from (≃-trans p q) a = trans (to-from q a) (cong (to q) (to-from p (from q a)))