module Data.FreshList.InductiveInductive where

open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs
open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs.Properties
open import Level hiding (zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Empty
open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Unary using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary hiding (Decidable; Irrelevant)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (sym to ≡-sym)
open import Relation.Binary.Isomorphism

data List# {n m} {A : Set n} (R : A  A  Set m) : Set (n  m)
data _#_   {n m} {A : Set n} {R : A  A  Set m} : (x : A)  (xs : List# R)  Set (n  m)

data List# {A = A} R where
  []   : List# R
  cons : (x : A) (xs : List# R) (x#xs : x # xs)  List# R

data _#_ {A = A} {R = R} where
  []  : {a : A}  _#_ {R = R} a []
  _∷_ : {a x : A} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  R a x  a # xs  a # (cons x xs x#xs)
pattern _∷#_ a as = cons a as _

-- The Any and All predicates for fresh lists
data All {n m o} {A : Set n} {R : A  A  Set m} (P : A  Set o) : (xs : List# R)  Set (n  m  o) where
  [] : All P []
  _∷_ : {x : A} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  P x  All P xs  All P (cons x xs x#xs)

data Any {n m o} {A : Set n} {R : A  A  Set m} (P : A  Set o) : (xs : List# R)  Set (n  m  o) where
  here  : {x : A} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  P x       Any P (cons x xs x#xs)
  there : {x : A} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  Any P xs  Any P (cons x xs x#xs)

-- Fix an implicit R so we don't need to keep writing it.
-- Only put definitions in here if the R really can be inferred
-- (usually satisfied by a (List# R) as an explicit argument)
module _
    {n m : Level}
    {X : Set n}
    {R : X  X  Set m}

    all? :  {o} {P : X  Set o}  Decidable P  (xs : List# R)  Dec (All P xs)
    all? p? [] = yes []
    all? p? (cons x xs x#xs) with p? x | all? p? xs
    ... | _      | no ¬pxs = no λ {(px  pxs)  ¬pxs pxs}
    ... | no ¬px | _       = no λ {(px  pxs)  ¬px px}
    ... | yes px | yes pxs = yes (px  pxs)

    any? :  {o} {P : X  Set o}  Decidable P  (xs : List# R)  Dec (Any P xs)
    any? p? [] = no λ {()}
    any? p? (cons x xs x#xs) with p? x | any? p? xs
    ... | yes px | _ = yes (here px)
    ... | no ¬px | yes pxs = yes (there pxs)
    ... | no ¬px | no ¬pxs = no λ {(here px)  ¬px px; (there pxs)  ¬pxs pxs}

    ¬any[] :  {o} {P : X  Set o}  ¬ (Any {R = R} P [])
    ¬any[] ()

    all-map :  {a b} {P : X  Set a}{Q : X  Set b}   {xs : List# R}  (∀ {x}  P x  Q x)  All P xs  All Q xs
    all-map p⇒q []       = []
    all-map p⇒q (p  ps) = p⇒q p  all-map p⇒q ps

    fresh→all : {x : X} {xs : List# R} -> x # xs -> All (R x) xs
    fresh→all [] = []
    fresh→all (rx  x#xs) = rx  fresh→all x#xs

    all→fresh : {x : X} {xs : List# R} -> All (R x) xs -> x # xs
    all→fresh [] = []
    all→fresh (rx  as) = rx  all→fresh as

    here≢there :  {o} {P : X  Set o} {x : X} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}
                {px : P x} {q : Any P xs}
                here {x#xs = x#xs} px  there q
    here≢there ()

    foldr : {Y : Set}  (X  Y  Y)  Y  List# R  Y
    foldr f e [] = e
    foldr f e (cons x xs x#xs) = f x (foldr f e xs)

    foldr-universal : {Y : Set}
                     (h : List# R  Y)
                     (f : X  Y  Y) (e : Y)
                     (h []  e)
                     (∀ x xs (fx : x # xs)  h (cons x xs fx)  f x (h xs))
                     foldr f e  h
    foldr-universal h f e base step [] = ≡-sym base
    foldr-universal h f e base step (cons x xs x#xs) =
        foldr f e (cons x xs x#xs)
      ≡⟨ cong (f x) (foldr-universal h f e base step xs) 
        f x (h xs)
      ≡⟨ (≡-sym $ step x xs x#xs) 
        h (cons x xs x#xs)
       where open ≡-Reasoning

    -- Concatenation of fresh lists.
    -- Requires a "gluability" condition proving that the two lists may actually be concatenated
    -- Specific choices of R might admit more ergonomic or efficient logically
    -- equivalent notions of gluability.
    concat : (xs ys : List# R) → All (_# ys) xs → List# R
    concat [] ys [] = ys
    concat (cons x xs x#xs) ys (x#ys ∷ g) = cons x (concat xs ys g) (concat-fresh g x#xs x#ys) where
      concat-fresh : {a : X} {xs ys : List# R} (g : All (_# ys) xs) (a#xs : a # xs) → a # ys → a # concat xs ys g
      concat-fresh [] a#xs a#ys = a#ys
      concat-fresh (x#ys ∷ g) (Rax ∷ a#xs) a#ys = Rax ∷ concat-fresh g a#xs a#ys

    syntax concat xs ys g = xs ++[ g ] ys

    snoc : (xs : List# R) (x : X) → All (λ a → R a x) xs → List# R
    snoc xs x p = xs ++[ snoc-fresh p ] (cons x [] []) where
      snoc-fresh : ∀ {x : X} {xs : List# R} → All (λ a → R a x) xs → All (λ a → _#_ {A = X} {R} a (cons x [] [])) xs
      snoc-fresh [] = []
      snoc-fresh (px ∷ pxs) = (px ∷ []) ∷ (snoc-fresh pxs)

    length : List# R  
    length [] = zero
    length (cons _ xs _) = suc (length xs)

    #-trans : Transitive R  (a x : X) (xs : List# R)  R a x  x # xs  a # xs
    #-trans R-trans a x [] Rax x#xs = []
    #-trans R-trans a x (cons y ys y#ys) Rax (Rxy  x#ys) = R-trans Rax Rxy  #-trans R-trans a x ys Rax x#ys

    #-tail : {a x : X} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  a # (cons x xs x#xs)  a # xs
    #-tail (px  pxs) = pxs

    cons-injective-head : {x y : X} {xs ys : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs} {y#ys : y # ys}
                         cons x xs x#xs  cons y ys y#ys  x  y
    cons-injective-head refl = refl

    cons-injective-tail : {x y : X} {xs ys : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs} {y#ys : y # ys}
                         cons x xs x#xs  cons y ys y#ys  xs  ys
    cons-injective-tail refl = refl

    ∷-injective-head :  {x y : X}{xs : List# R}{y#xs : y # xs} 
                       {p q : R x y}  {ps qs : x # xs} 
                       _#_._∷_ {x#xs = y#xs} p ps  q  qs  p  q
    ∷-injective-head refl = refl

    open import Data.List
    open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as L using ()

    -- We can erase the proofs to recover the underlying list
    toList : List# R  List X
    toList [] = []
    toList (cons x xs _) = x  (toList xs)

    toListAll :  {k}  {P : X  Set k}  {xs : List# R}  All P xs  L.All P (toList xs)
    toListAll [] = L.[]
    toListAll (p  ps) = p L.∷ toListAll ps

-- Fix a proof-irrelevant R
module WithIrr
    {n m : Level}
    {X : Set n}
    (R : X  X  Set m)
    (R-irr :  {x y}  Irrelevant (R x y))

    #-irrelevant : {x : X} {xs : List# R}  Irrelevant (x # xs)
    #-irrelevant [] [] = refl
    #-irrelevant (x  p) (y  q) = cong₂ _∷_ (R-irr x y) (#-irrelevant p q)

    R-irr-unique :  {x y}  (p : R x y)  R-irr p p  refl
    R-irr-unique p = UIP-prop R-irr (R-irr p p) refl

    #-irrelevant-unique :  {x : X} {xs : List# R} (p : x # xs)  #-irrelevant p p  refl
    #-irrelevant-unique [] = refl
    #-irrelevant-unique (x  p) rewrite R-irr-unique x rewrite #-irrelevant-unique p = refl

    -- Depenedent cong₂ doesn't exist in general, so here's the version specialised to cons.
    -- There will also exist a ternery version which takes a proof that the freshness proofs
    -- are equal without assuming R to be propositional, but we never use that.
    cons-cong : {x y : X} {xs ys : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs} {y#ys : y # ys}
               x  y  xs  ys
               cons x xs x#xs  cons y ys y#ys
    cons-cong refl refl = cong (cons _ _) (#-irrelevant _ _)

    -- Pulling a proof apart then putting it back together is identity,
    -- as long as X is a set.
    cons-cong-inverse :  {x y xs ys x#xs y#ys}
                       UIP X
                       (p : cons x xs x#xs  cons y ys y#ys)
                       p  cons-cong (cons-injective-head p) (cons-injective-tail p)
    cons-cong-inverse {x#xs = []} uipX refl = refl
    cons-cong-inverse {x} {.x} {cons y ys y#ys} {cons .y .ys .y#ys} {Rxy  x#ys} {.Rxy  .x#ys} uipX refl
      rewrite #-irrelevant-unique x#ys rewrite R-irr-unique Rxy = refl

    -- If X is a Set, then so are the types of fresh lists over X.
    UIP-List# : UIP X  UIP (List# R)
    UIP-List# uipX {[]} {[]} refl refl = refl
    UIP-List# uipX {cons x xs x#xs} {cons y ys y#ys} p q =
      ≡⟨ cons-cong-inverse uipX p 
        cons-cong (cons-injective-head p) (cons-injective-tail p)
      ≡⟨ cong₂ cons-cong (uipX (cons-injective-head p) (cons-injective-head q)) (UIP-List# uipX {xs} {ys} (cons-injective-tail p) (cons-injective-tail q)) 
        cons-cong (cons-injective-head q) (cons-injective-tail q)
      ≡⟨ ≡-sym $ cons-cong-inverse uipX q 
       where open ≡-Reasoning

    lift-decEq : ((x y : X)  Dec (x  y))  ((xs ys : List# R)  Dec (xs  ys))
    lift-decEq dec [] [] = yes refl
    lift-decEq dec [] (cons x ys x#xs) = no λ ()
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) [] = no λ ()
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) with dec x y
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) | yes x≡y with lift-decEq dec xs ys
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) | yes x≡y | yes xs≡ys = yes (cons-cong x≡y xs≡ys)
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) | yes x≡y | no ¬xs≡ys
      = no λ x∷xs≡y∷ys  ⊥-elim (¬xs≡ys (cons-injective-tail x∷xs≡y∷ys))
    lift-decEq dec (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) | no ¬x≡y
      = no λ x∷xs≡y∷ys  ⊥-elim (¬x≡y (cons-injective-head x∷xs≡y∷ys))

#-irrelevant-iff : {n m : Level}{X : Set n}(R : X  X  Set m) 
                   ((x : X)(xs : List# R)  Irrelevant (x # xs)) 
                   (x y : X)  Irrelevant (R x y)
#-irrelevant-iff R prop-# x y p q = ∷-injective-head (prop-# x (cons y [] []) (p  []) (q  []))

-- Fix an R and some notion of equality.
module WithEq
    {n m k : Level}
    {X : Set n}
    (R : X  X  Set m)
    {_≈_ : X  X  Set k}
    (≈-isEq : IsEquivalence _≈_)
    (R-resp-≈ : R Respects₂ _≈_)

    _∈_ : X  List# R  Set (n  m  k)
    x  xs = Any (x ≈_) xs

    _∉_ : X  List# R  Set (n  m  k)
    x  xs = ¬ (x  xs)

    _⊆_ : (xs ys : List# R) -> Set (n  m  k)
    xs  ys =  {a} -> a  xs -> a  ys

    _⊈_ : (xs ys : List# R) -> Set (n  m  k)
    xs  ys = ¬ (xs  ys)

    open IsEquivalence renaming (refl to ≈-refl)

    #-trans' : {a b : X} {xs : List# R}  a # xs  b  xs  R a b
    #-trans' {a} {b} {cons x xs x#xs} (Rax  a#xs) (here b≈x) = proj₁ R-resp-≈ (sym ≈-isEq b≈x) Rax
    #-trans' {a} {b} {cons x xs x#xs} (Rax  a#xs) (there p∈xs) = #-trans' a#xs p∈xs

    #-trans'-iff : {a : X} {xs : List# R}  (∀ {b}  b  xs  R a b)  a # xs
    #-trans'-iff {xs = []} Rab = []
    #-trans'-iff {xs = cons x xs x#xs} Rab = Rab (here (≈-refl ≈-isEq))  #-trans'-iff {xs = xs}  z  Rab (there z))

    ∉-weaken : {a x : X} {xs : List# R} {x#xs : x # xs}  a  (cons x xs x#xs)  a  xs
    ∉-weaken ¬p q = ⊥-elim (¬p (there q))

    #-resp-≈ : {x y : X} {xs : List# R}  x # xs  x  y  y # xs
    #-resp-≈ [] x≈y = []
    #-resp-≈ (px  pxs) x≈y = proj₂ R-resp-≈ x≈y px  #-resp-≈ pxs x≈y