module Free.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Adjunction where

open import Algebra hiding (IdempotentCommutativeMonoid)
open import Function

open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat renaming (_<_ to _<N_)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Induction.WellFounded

open import Relation.Binary hiding (NonEmpty; StrictTotalOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (isEquivalence to ≡-isEquivalence)
open import Relation.Nullary hiding (Irrelevant)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable hiding (map)

open import Data.FreshList.InductiveInductive
open import Free.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Base
import Free.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Properties as FICM
open import Category.Base
open import Algebra.Structure.OICM

open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional

-- Algebraic Structure on Sorted Lists

-- We now instantiate ≈ to be real equality ≡. First we need to do a
-- little plumbing to show that the pointwise lifting ≈L of equality
-- is equality.

module _ {X : Set} {_<_ : X  X  Set} (<-STO : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_)  where

  open FICM <-STO

  ≈L→≡ :  {xs ys}  _≈L_ xs ys  xs  ys
  ≈L→≡ [] = refl
  ≈L→≡ (cons x=x' xs=xs') = WithIrr.cons-cong _<_ (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop <-STO) x=x' (≈L→≡ xs=xs')

  Tri≈L→Tri≡ :  {a c lt gt} x y  Tri {a} {c = c} lt (_≈L_  x y) gt -> Tri lt (x  y) gt
  Tri≈L→Tri≡ x y (tri< a ¬b ¬c) = tri< a  { refl  ¬b ≈L-refl}) ¬c
  Tri≈L→Tri≡ x y (tri≈ ¬a b ¬c) = tri≈ ¬a (≈L→≡ b) ¬c
  Tri≈L→Tri≡ x y (tri> ¬a ¬b c) = tri> ¬a  { refl  ¬b ≈L-refl}) c

  open IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid hiding (isICM; isSTO)
  open IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid
  open IsCommutativeMonoid
  open IsMonoid
  open IsSemigroup
  open IsMagma

  -- we repackage all the structures using the above

  SL-isM : IsMonoid _≡_ (_∪_ <-STO) []
  IsMagma.isEquivalence (IsSemigroup.isMagma (IsMonoid.isSemigroup SL-isM)) = ≡-isEquivalence
  ∙-cong (IsSemigroup.isMagma (IsMonoid.isSemigroup SL-isM)) _≡_.refl _≡_.refl = _≡_.refl
  assoc (IsMonoid.isSemigroup SL-isM) x y z = ≈L→≡ (∪-assoc x y z)
  identity SL-isM =  x  _≡_.refl) , ∪-idʳ

  SL-isCM : IsCommutativeMonoid _≡_ (_∪_ <-STO) []
  IsCommutativeMonoid.isMonoid SL-isCM = SL-isM
  comm SL-isCM x y = ≈L→≡ (∪-comm x y)

  SL-isICM : IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _≡_ (_∪_ <-STO) []
  isCommutativeMonoid SL-isICM = SL-isCM
  idem SL-isICM x = ≈L→≡ (∪-idempotent x)

  SL-isSTO : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<L_
  IsStrictTotalOrder.isEquivalence (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO SL-isSTO) = ≡-isEquivalence
  IsStrictTotalOrder.trans (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO SL-isSTO) = <L-trans (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO SL-isSTO) x y = Tri≈L→Tri≡ x y (compareL x y)
  IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop SL-isSTO
    = Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs.Decidable⇒UIP.≡-irrelevant
        (WithIrr.lift-decEq _<_ (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop <-STO) (IsPropStrictTotalOrder._≟_ <-STO))
  IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop SL-isSTO = <L-prop

  SL-isOICM : IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _≡_ _<L_ (_∪_ <-STO) []
  IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid.isICM SL-isOICM = SL-isICM
  IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid.isSTO SL-isOICM = SL-isSTO

-- The Category of Ordered Idempotent Commutative Monoids --

record OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid : Set₁ where
  constructor MkOicm
    Carrier : Set
    _<_ : Carrier  Carrier  Set
    _∙_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    ε : Carrier
    proof : IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _≡_ _<_ _∙_ ε
open OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid

record OicmMorphism (A B : OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid) : Set where
  constructor MkOicmMorphism
    module A = OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid A
    module B = OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid B

    fun : Carrier A  Carrier B
    preserves-ε : fun (A.ε)  B.ε
    preserves-∙ :  x y  fun (x A.∙ y)  (fun x) B.∙ (fun y)
open OicmMorphism

oicm-id :  {A}  OicmMorphism A A
fun oicm-id =
preserves-ε oicm-id = refl
preserves-∙ oicm-id _ _ = refl

oicm-comp :  {A B C}  OicmMorphism A B  OicmMorphism B C  OicmMorphism A C
fun (oicm-comp f g) = (fun g)  (fun f)
preserves-ε (oicm-comp f g) = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-ε f)) (preserves-ε g)
preserves-∙ (oicm-comp f g) _ _ = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-∙ f _ _)) (preserves-∙ g _ _)

eqOicmMorphism : Extensionality _ _ 
                  {A B}  {f g : OicmMorphism A B}  fun f  fun g  f  g
eqOicmMorphism ext {A} {B} {MkOicmMorphism .f refl p∙} {MkOicmMorphism f q q∙} refl
  = cong₂ (MkOicmMorphism f) (uipB refl q) (ext λ x  ext λ y  uipB (p∙ x y) (q∙ x y))
    uipB = IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop (IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid.isSTO (proof B))

OICM : Extensionality _ _  Category
Category.Obj (OICM ext) = OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid
Category.Hom (OICM ext) = OicmMorphism (OICM ext) = oicm-id
Category.comp (OICM ext) = oicm-comp
Category.assoc (OICM ext) {A} {B} {C} {D} {f} {g} {h} = eqOicmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityˡ (OICM ext) {A} {B} {f} = eqOicmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityʳ (OICM ext) {A} {B} {f} = eqOicmMorphism ext refl

-- The Category of Idempotent Commutative Monoids --

record IdempotentCommutativeMonoid : Set₁ where
  constructor MkIcm
    Carrier : Set
    _∙_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    ε : Carrier
    proof : IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _≡_ _∙_ ε
    ≡-prop : Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = Carrier})
open IdempotentCommutativeMonoid

record IcmMorphism (A B : IdempotentCommutativeMonoid) : Set where
  constructor MkIcmMorphism
    module A = IdempotentCommutativeMonoid A
    module B = IdempotentCommutativeMonoid B

    fun : A.Carrier  B.Carrier
    preserves-ε : fun (A.ε)  B.ε
    preserves-∙ :  x y  fun (x A.∙ y)  (fun x) B.∙ (fun y)
open IcmMorphism

icm-id :  {A}  IcmMorphism A A
fun icm-id =
preserves-ε icm-id = refl
preserves-∙ icm-id _ _ = refl

icm-comp :  {A B C}  IcmMorphism A B  IcmMorphism B C  IcmMorphism A C
fun (icm-comp f g) = (fun g)  (fun f)
preserves-ε (icm-comp f g) = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-ε f)) (preserves-ε g)
preserves-∙ (icm-comp f g) _ _ = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-∙ f _ _)) (preserves-∙ g _ _)

eqIcmMorphism : Extensionality _ _ 
                  {A B}  {f g : IcmMorphism A B}  fun f  fun g  f  g
eqIcmMorphism ext {A} {B} {MkIcmMorphism .f refl p∙} {MkIcmMorphism f q q∙} refl
  = cong₂ (MkIcmMorphism f) (uipB refl q) (ext λ x  ext λ y  uipB (p∙ x y) (q∙ x y))
    uipB : Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = Carrier B})
    uipB = ≡-prop  B

ICM : Extensionality _ _  Category
Category.Obj (ICM ext) = IdempotentCommutativeMonoid
Category.Hom (ICM ext) = IcmMorphism (ICM ext) = icm-id
Category.comp (ICM ext) = icm-comp
Category.assoc (ICM ext) {A} {B} {C} {D} {f} {g} {h} = eqIcmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityˡ (ICM ext) {A} {B} {f} = eqIcmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityʳ (ICM ext) {A} {B} {f} = eqIcmMorphism ext refl

-- The Category of Strict Total Orders --

record PropStrictTotalOrder : Set₁ where
  constructor MkSto
    Carrier : Set
    _<_ : Carrier  Carrier  Set
    proof : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_
open PropStrictTotalOrder

STO : Category
Category.Obj STO = PropStrictTotalOrder
Category.Hom STO X Y = Carrier X  Carrier Y STO = id
Category.comp STO f g = g  f
Category.assoc STO = refl
Category.identityˡ STO = refl
Category.identityʳ STO = refl

-- The Forgetful Functor --

open Functor

open IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid

FORGET : (@0 ext : Extensionality _ _)  Functor (OICM ext) STO
act (FORGET _) (MkOicm S _<_ _∙_ ε oicm) = MkSto S _<_ (isSTO oicm)
fmap (FORGET _) f = fun f
identity (FORGET _) = refl
homomorphism (FORGET _) = refl

-- The Free Functor --

SL-map : {X Y : PropStrictTotalOrder}  (Carrier X  Carrier Y)  SortedList (proof X)  SortedList (proof Y)
SL-map f [] = []
SL-map {X} {Y} f (cons x xs fx) = insert (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map {X} {Y} f xs)

SL-map-preserves-∈ :  {X Y : PropStrictTotalOrder} 
                     let _∈X_ = FICM._∈_ (proof X)
                         _∈Y_ = FICM._∈_ (proof Y) in
                     (f : Carrier X  Carrier Y) 
                     (a : Carrier X) (xs : SortedList (proof X)) 
                     a ∈X xs  (f a) ∈Y (SL-map {X} {Y} f xs)
SL-map-preserves-∈ {X} {Y} f a (cons .a xs x#xs) (here refl)
  = FICM.∈∪-introˡ (proof Y) (here refl) (SL-map {X} {Y} f xs)
SL-map-preserves-∈ {X} {Y} f a (cons x xs x#xs) (there p)
  = FICM.∈∪-introʳ (proof Y) (cons (f x) [] []) (SL-map-preserves-∈ {X} {Y} f a xs p)

SL-map-preserves-⊆ :  {X Y : PropStrictTotalOrder} 
           let _⊆X_ = FICM._⊆_ (proof X)
               _⊆Y_ = FICM._⊆_ (proof Y) in
           (f : Carrier X  Carrier Y)
            (xs ys : SortedList (proof X))
            xs ⊆X ys
            (SL-map {X} {Y} f xs) ⊆Y (SL-map {X} {Y} f ys)
SL-map-preserves-⊆ {X} {Y} f (cons x xs x#xs) ys xs⊆ys {a} a∈mapfxxs
  with FICM.∈∪-elim (proof Y) {xs = cons (f x) [] []} {SL-map {X} {Y} f xs} a∈mapfxxs
... | inj₁ (here refl) = SL-map-preserves-∈ f x ys (xs⊆ys {x} (here refl))
... | inj₂ a∈mapfxs = SL-map-preserves-⊆ f xs ys  b∈xs  xs⊆ys (there b∈xs)) a∈mapfxs

SL-map-preserves-∪ : {X Y : PropStrictTotalOrder} 
                     let _∪X_ = _∪_ (proof X)
                         _∪Y_ = _∪_ (proof Y) in
                     {f : Carrier X  Carrier Y} 
                     (xs ys : SortedList (proof X)) 
                     SL-map {X} {Y} f (xs ∪X  ys)  (SL-map {X} {Y} f xs) ∪Y (SL-map {X} {Y} f ys)
SL-map-preserves-∪ {X} {Y} {f} xs ys = ≈L→≡ (proof Y) (FICM.extensionality (proof Y)
                                                                           (SL-map {X} {Y} f (xs ∪X  ys))
                                                                           ((SL-map {X} {Y} f xs) ∪Y (SL-map {X} {Y} f ys))
                                                                            a   p  FICM.∈∪-intro (proof Y) (lem1 a xs ys _ p) ) , lem2 a xs ys))
    _∈X_ = FICM._∈_ (proof X)
    _∈Y_ = FICM._∈_ (proof Y)
    _∪X_ = _∪_ (proof X)
    _∪Y_ = _∪_ (proof Y)
    unionX = union (proof X)
    mapf = SL-map {X} {Y} f
    compareX = (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO (proof X))
    lem1 : (a : Carrier Y)  (xs ys : SortedList (proof X))(p : Acc _<N_ (length xs + length ys)) 
           a ∈Y mapf (unionX xs ys p)  a ∈Y mapf xs  a ∈Y mapf ys
    lem1 a [] ys ac p = inj₂ p
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) [] ac p = inj₁ p
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p with compareX x y
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri< a₁ ¬b ¬c with FICM.∈union-elim (proof Y) {xs = cons (f x) [] []} {mapf (unionX xs (cons y ys y#ys) _)} _ p
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri< a₁ ¬b ¬c | inj₁ (here a=fx) = inj₁ (FICM.∈union-introˡ (proof Y) (here a=fx) (mapf xs) _ )
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri< a₁ ¬b ¬c | inj₂ a∈mapfxsyys with lem1 a xs (cons y ys y#ys) _ a∈mapfxsyys
    ... | inj₁ a∈mapfxs = inj₁ (FICM.∈union-introʳ (proof Y) (cons (f x) [] []) a∈mapfxs _)
    ... | inj₂ qq = inj₂ qq
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c with FICM.∈union-elim (proof Y) {xs = cons (f x) [] []} {mapf (unionX xs ys _)} _ p
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c | inj₁ (here a=fx) = inj₁ (FICM.∈union-introˡ (proof Y) (here a=fx) (mapf xs) _ )
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c | inj₂ a∈mapfxsys with lem1 a xs ys _ a∈mapfxsys
    ... | inj₁ a∈mapfxs = inj₁ (FICM.∈union-introʳ (proof Y) (cons (f x) [] []) a∈mapfxs _)
    ... | inj₂ a∈mapfys = inj₂ (FICM.∈union-introʳ (proof Y) (cons (f y) [] []) a∈mapfys _)
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri> ¬a ¬b c  with FICM.∈union-elim (proof Y) {xs = cons (f y) [] []} {mapf (unionX (cons x xs x#xs) ys _)} _ p
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri> ¬a ¬b c | inj₁ (here a=fy) = inj₂ (FICM.∈union-introˡ (proof Y) (here a=fy) (mapf ys) _ )
    lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) p | tri> ¬a ¬b c | inj₂ a∈mapfxxsys with lem1 a (cons x xs x#xs) ys _ a∈mapfxxsys
    ... | inj₁ qq = inj₁ qq
    ... | inj₂ a∈mapfys = inj₂ (FICM.∈union-introʳ (proof Y) (cons (f y) [] []) a∈mapfys _)

    lem2 : (a : Carrier Y)  (xs ys : SortedList (proof X)) 
           a ∈Y (mapf xs ∪Y mapf ys)  a ∈Y mapf (xs ∪X ys)
    lem2 a xs ys a∈mapfxs∪mapfys with FICM.∈∪-elim (proof Y) {xs = mapf xs} {mapf ys} a∈mapfxs∪mapfys
    ... | inj₁ a∈mapfxs = SL-map-preserves-⊆ f xs (xs ∪X ys)  b∈xs  FICM.∈∪-introˡ (proof X) b∈xs ys) a∈mapfxs
    ... | inj₂ a∈mapfys = SL-map-preserves-⊆ f ys (xs ∪X ys)  b∈ys  FICM.∈∪-introʳ (proof X) xs b∈ys) a∈mapfys

SORTEDLIST : (ext : Extensionality _ _)  Functor STO (OICM ext)
act (SORTEDLIST ext) (MkSto S _<_ sto) = MkOicm (SortedList sto) (FICM._<L_ sto) (_∪_ sto) [] (SL-isOICM sto)
fmap (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} {Y} f = MkOicmMorphism (SL-map {X} {Y} f) refl SL-map-preserves-∪
identity (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} = eqOicmMorphism ext (ext lem) where
  lem :  xs  SL-map id xs  xs
  lem [] = refl
  lem (cons x xs x#xs) = trans (cong (insert (proof X) x) (lem xs)) (FICM.insert-consview (proof X) x#xs)
homomorphism (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} = eqOicmMorphism ext (ext lem) where
  lem :  xs
       SL-map (g  f) xs
       (SL-map {Y} {Z} g  SL-map {X} {Y} f) xs
  lem [] = refl
  lem (cons x xs fx) = trans (cong (_∪_ (proof Z) (cons (g (f x)) [] [])) (lem xs))
                             (sym (SL-map-preserves-∪ {f = g} (cons (f x) [] []) (SL-map f xs)))

-- The Free-Forgetful Adjunction --

open Adjunction

foldr-∙ : (A : PropStrictTotalOrder)
         (B : OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid)
         (f : Carrier A  Carrier B)
         SortedList (proof A)  Carrier B
foldr-∙ A B f = foldr  a b  (_∙_ B) (f a) b) (ε B)

foldr-∙-preserves-union : (A : PropStrictTotalOrder) (B : OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid)
                   (f : Carrier A  Carrier B)
                   (xs ys : SortedList (proof A))
                   (p : Acc _<N_ (length xs + length ys))
                   foldr-∙ A B f (union (proof A) xs ys p)
                   (_∙_ B) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)
foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f [] ys p = sym (identityˡ (isICM (proof B)) (foldr-∙ A B f ys))
foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f (cons x xs x#xs) [] p = sym (trans (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (ε B))
                                                                 (cong (_∙_ B (f x)) (identityʳ (isICM (proof B)) (foldr-∙ A B f xs))))
foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc rs) with (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO (proof A)) x y
... | tri< _ _ _ = trans (cong (_∙_ B (f x)) (foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f xs (cons y ys y#ys) _))
                         (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f (cons y ys y#ys))))
... | tri≈ _ refl _ = begin
  f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f (unionA xs ys _)
    ≡⟨ cong (f x ∙B_) (foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f xs ys _) 
  f x ∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ cong (_∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)) (sym (idem (isICM (proof B)) (f x))) 
  (f x ∙B f x) ∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ trans (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys))
             (cong (f x ∙B_) (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)))) 
  f x ∙B ((f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f xs) ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ cong  z  f x ∙B (z ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)) (comm (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs)) 
  f x ∙B ((foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B f x) ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ trans (cong (f x ∙B_) (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)))
             (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f (cons y ys y#ys)))) 
  (f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f xs) ∙B (f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
        open ≡-Reasoning
        _∙B_ = _∙_ B
        unionA = union (proof A)
... | tri> _ _ _ = begin
  f y ∙B foldr-∙ A B f (unionA (cons x xs x#xs) ys _)
    ≡⟨ cong (f y ∙B_) (foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f (cons x xs x#xs) ys _) 
  f y ∙B ((f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f xs) ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ trans (cong (f y ∙B_) (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)))
             (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f y) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys))) 
  (f y ∙B f x) ∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ cong (_∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)) (comm (isICM (proof B)) (f y) (f x)) 
  (f x ∙B f y) ∙B (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ trans (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (f y) (foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys))
             (cong (f x ∙B_) (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f y) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)))) 
  f x ∙B ((f y ∙B foldr-∙ A B f xs) ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ cong  z  f x ∙B (z ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)) (comm (isICM (proof B)) (f y) (foldr-∙ A B f xs)) 
  f x ∙B ((foldr-∙ A B f xs ∙B f y) ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
    ≡⟨ trans (cong (f x ∙B_) (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (f y) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)))
             (sym (assoc (isICM (proof B)) (f x) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (f y ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys))) 
  (f x ∙B foldr-∙ A B f xs) ∙B (f y ∙B foldr-∙ A B f ys)
        open ≡-Reasoning
        _∙B_ = _∙_ B
        unionA = union (proof A)

foldr-∙-preserves-∪ : (A : PropStrictTotalOrder) (B : OrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid)
                   (f : Carrier A  Carrier B)
                   (xs ys : SortedList (proof A))
                   foldr-∙ A B f (_∪_ (proof A) xs ys)
                   (_∙_ B) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)
foldr-∙-preserves-∪ A B f xs ys = foldr-∙-preserves-union A B f xs ys _

SL-Adjunction : (ext : Extensionality _ _)  (SORTEDLIST ext)  (FORGET ext)
to (SL-Adjunction ext) f x = fun f (cons x [] [])

fun (from (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f) = foldr-∙ A B f
preserves-ε (from (SL-Adjunction ext) f) = refl
preserves-∙ (from (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f) = foldr-∙-preserves-∪ A B f

left-inverse-of (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f
  = eqOicmMorphism ext (ext (foldr-universal (fun f)  a  (_∙_ B) (fun f (cons a [] []))) (ε B)
                                         (preserves-ε f)
                                         λ x xs x#xs  trans (cong (fun f) (sym (FICM.insert-consview (proof A) x#xs) ))
                                                             (preserves-∙ f (cons x [] []) xs)))
right-inverse-of (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f = ext λ x  (identityʳ $ isICM $ proof B) (f x)
to-natural (SL-Adjunction ext) f g = ext  _  ext  _  refl))